Morphine Abuse Treatment & Rehab

Written by Thomas Christiansen

& Medically Reviewed by Dr. Candace Crowley, PhD

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Last updated: 12/29/2022

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Last Updated - 12/29/2022

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Key Takeaways

  • Professional morphine rehab centers provide the knowledge and support needed to achieve recovery
  • Morphine addiction treatment options include medical detox, residential or outpatient rehab programs, treatment for co-occurring conditions and aftercare programs
  • Many health insurance plans provide addiction treatment coverage, but if insurance is not available several alternative funding methods can be used to fund rehab
  • Individualized treatment programs, location, cost, methods of treatment and staff to patient ratio should be considered when selecting a rehab center

Rehab is an important step in recovery from morphine addiction. Learn about morphine addiction treatment options, payment opportunities and statistics.

Morphine is an effective drug for treating pain from surgery or chronic medical conditions. However, over time, tolerance and dependence to morphine can develop and lead to misuse and addiction. According to a recent survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), nearly 12 million people ages 12 and over misused opioids such as morphine in 2016. SAMHSA also found that 22.5 million people ages 12 and older needed treatment for an illicit drug or alcohol use condition in 2014.

Although morphine addiction is challenging, recovery can be achieved with the proper treatment. Morphine addiction treatment is a chance to regain control of one’s life and achieve a healthier lifestyle. A professional morphine rehab center provides clients with the knowledge and support they need to recover from addiction.

Treatment Options for Morphine Addiction

Morphine addiction is a complex but treatable disease that affects brain function and behavior. Because morphine addiction is a chronic disease, most people need professional help and long-term care to achieve recovery. Treatment plans for morphine addiction can vary significantly from person to person depending on their needs. Morphine abuse treatment options include medical detox, residential or outpatient rehab programs, treatment for co-occurring conditions and aftercare programs. These morphine treatment options allow individuals dealing with addiction to address their addiction while learning the skills needed to continue recovery after rehab.

Medical Detox

Morphine medical detox treatment is the first stage in recovery, and often the most challenging. Medical detox is recommended for morphine withdrawal, as it provides full support from trained medical staff, ensures the patients’ safety and increases the chance of successful recovery. Inpatient medical detox can occur at a hospital, detox center or rehab facility. During medical detox from opiates such as morphine, a medical team first evaluates the patient to determine what treatment plan will work best for them. This evaluation process can include a physical exam, medical tests, a thorough interview and mental health screening. From there, the patient undergoes medical morphine withdrawal. During this stage of detox, medical staff closely monitors the patient 24-7 and administers supportive therapies to ease the withdrawal symptoms.  Medications are sometimes used during medical detox to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and limit medical complications. Medications used during morphine detox include methadone, buprenorphine, clonidine and naltrexone. Methadone and buprenorphine suppress withdrawal symptoms and relieve cravings by modifying morphine’s effects on the brain. Naltrexone blocks the effects of morphine in the brain and is only used once detox is complete. Clonidine is a high blood pressure medication that calms the central nervous system, thereby reducing withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, muscle cramping, runny nose, muscle aches and sweating.

Residential Rehab

Residential rehab facilities offer 24-7 structured and intensive care, including safe housing and medical attention. Residential rehab involves a comprehensive program that includes all stages of recovery, including evaluation, medical detox and ongoing therapeutic support. People participating in inpatient opiate rehab live at a facility full time while completing treatment for morphine addiction. Here, patients receive continual medical supervision while participating in counseling sessions and group therapy. Inpatient programs allow patients to focus on morphine rehab without outside distractions or pressures. These programs are also tailored to meet each person’s addiction history and recovery needs. Residential rehab is generally recommended for those dealing with severe morphine addiction. During residential rehab, patients also receive behavioral therapy to help modify their attitudes and behaviors linked to morphine use and develop healthy life skills.

Outpatient Rehab

After the completion of residential treatment, or as an alternative to residential programs, patients join an outpatient rehab program. Outpatient rehab involves regular clinic visits and individual or group therapy meetings while the patient continues with their daily life. With outpatient rehab you also have the option to enroll in online substance abuse counseling. Most outpatient programs also include forms of behavioral therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)family therapy and motivational therapy. Outpatient rehab is often intensive at first and patients attend sessions multiple times a week. Patients then transition to less frequent meetings once recovery is established. Outpatient rehab allows people to maintain their relationships and work commitments while working towards recovery.

Dual Diagnosis

A dual diagnosis of morphine addiction and mental health conditions makes treatment challenging, although full recovery is possible with treatment tailored to both conditions. Morphine addiction commonly occurs alongside mental health conditions such as: Borderline personality disorder (BPD)

Bipolar disorder DepressionAnxiety Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)Schizophrenia Mental health conditions may increase the risk of having a substance use disorder such as morphine addiction. Additionally, morphine use may worsen mental health symptoms. When an individual is affected by morphine addiction and a mental health condition, dual diagnosis treatment tailored to the individual’s needs is important for achieving recovery. A professional morphine rehab center that offers dual diagnosis rehab can provide the proper care for morphine addiction and mental health conditions.

Aftercare and Sober Living

After leaving a residential or outpatient rehab facility, continued support is vital for long-term recovery. Individuals recovering from morphine addiction may utilize drug rehab aftercare and sober living options. Drug rehab aftercare programs are designed to support people recovering from addiction as they begin their recovery. These programs include regular, weekly group meetings. At these meetings, attendees check-in regarding their sobriety and share the challenges they faced with others in recovery. Sober living programs, also known as halfway or transitional houses, are living spaces shared by people in recovery. These living spaces provide a safe, sober space in which people recovering from addiction can focus on their recovery. Sober living programs commonly involve drug testing and recovery program requirements to help individuals stay focused on recovery. 

Related Topic: Halfway Houses vs. Sober Homes

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab

Selecting inpatient vs. outpatient rehab for morphine addiction treatment depends on an individual’s recovery needs and life situation. With inpatient rehab, an individual lives full time at a recovery center while they undergo detox, receive counseling and attend group meetings.

Inpatient rehab can last anywhere from a week to around 30 days. Inpatient morphine rehab can be especially useful for individuals who have a co-occurring mental health condition, as they can receive treatment for both conditions at the same time. Inpatient rehab may not be a good fit for individuals who are unable to leave their job or family for treatment. With outpatient rehab, an individual lives outside of rehab while regularly attending a rehab program. Outpatient rehab provides the most flexibility and is a good fit for those who need to continue working or caring for their families. However, outpatient rehab does not offer the 24-7 support of an inpatient program.

How Long Does Rehab Take?

The duration of morphine rehab varies from person to person. Although morphine detox generally lasts from five to seven days, the length varies depending on the dosage and duration of morphine use. Someone who used high doses of morphine for an extended period may need a longer detox process because medical staff need to slowly taper the dosage to limit withdrawal symptoms.

Someone with a long-term, severe addiction may need to attend inpatient or outpatient rehab for an extended period to gain the skills necessary to maintain sobriety. Co-occurring substance use disorders or mental health conditions may also change the timeframe for morphine rehab. It is important to remember that morphine rehab is an individual experience, so each person should not compare their experience to others’ experiences.

What Does Morphine Rehab Cost?

Morphine rehab is a medical service that involves a financial cost. Rehab costs can vary depending on the type and duration of treatment and the particular center. Fortunately, many health insurance plans provide addiction treatment coverage. If an individual does not have insurance, there are several alternative funding methods.

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Does Insurance Cover Rehab?

Many health insurance plans include coverage for rehab to treat conditions such as morphine addiction. However, coverage can vary between plans. Professional addiction treatment centers can determine the level of rehab insurance each plan includes.

Fortunately, getting rehab without insurance coverage is possible. Alternative payment methods include:

  • Sliding fee scale: the sliding fee scale system is used to assist people who can’t afford to pay for treatment in full; payment is negotiated with the rehab center depending on the persona’s income.
  • Government support: several government assistance programs offer financial assistance for addiction treatment.
  • Private pay: paying out of pocket for morphine rehab without insurance, sliding fee scale or government support.

Choosing a Morphine Rehab Center

Individuals seeking morphine addiction treatment may wonder how to choose a rehab center. Finding the right morphine rehab center for morphine addiction treatment can be a challenging task but impacts the success of the detox process and long-term recovery. It is critical to find a rehab center that develops individual treatment plans to fit each person’s needs. There are several important factors to consider when selecting a rehab center, including:

  • Location: A facility close to home may be a good fit for some individuals, while an out of state facility may be a better fit for others.
  • Cost: Availability of insurance coverage or the total program cost can determine whether a facility is a good option for some individuals.
  • Methods of Treatment Provided: It is essential to select a facility that utilizes evidence-based practices for recovery treatment, includes care for co-occurring disorders such as mental health conditions and provides follow-up and aftercare to support long-term recovery.
  • Staff to Patient Ratio: a high staff to patient ratio ensures each client receives proper supervision and support.

What to Expect When You Go to Rehab

Rehab experiences differ depending on the facility and addiction treatment program. Most rehab programs involve an intake process, where the staff learns about each person and their substance use history. Medical staff may perform a physical exam and laboratory tests to determine what treatment a patient needs. Bags are commonly searched to ensure that no drugs are brought into the rehab center.

Privacy and free time may be limited during rehab, as addiction treatment typically involves a busy schedule of individual and group therapy sessions along with wellness activities. Both inpatient and outpatient rehab centers have a set of rules that must be followed to ensure patient safety and successful treatment. Rehab is a time to focus on recovery and learn the skills needed to maintain long-term sobriety once treatment is completed.

What Happens After Rehab?

Morphine addiction recovery is a lifelong process that requires constant work to maintain. Long-term follow up is essential for preventing relapse. After leaving a residential or outpatient rehab facility, continued support is vital. Individuals who are recovering from morphine addiction may utilize drug rehab aftercare and sober living options to sustain their ongoing sobriety. Maintaining a connection to services provided by treatment programs after leaving rehab is an integral part of recovery.

Although set criteria to measure rehab success do not exist, according to research that tracks people in addiction treatment over extended periods, most people who seek treatment consistently stop using drugs, decrease criminal activity and improve their social and psychological functioning.

Relapse rates for addiction are around 40% to 60%, resembling those of other chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and asthma according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Attending a professional rehab center and maintaining long-term participation in aftercare programs increases the rates of recovery.

How Rehab Helps

Rehab provides a safe, structured place to begin recovery. Medical detox removes morphine from the body while easing withdrawal symptoms experiences. Once the body and mind are clear of morphine’s effects, therapy, counseling and support groups address the underlying issues which led to the addiction. Rehab provides a long-term foundation for recovery by providing the necessary skills needed to remain sober.

View Sources

Drug Enforcement Administration. “Morphine.” February 10, 2019. Accessed July 13, 2019.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration. “Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States: Results from the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.” September 2017. Accessed July 11, 2019.

MedlinePlus. “Opiate and opioid withdrawal.” July 10, 2019. Accessed July 13, 2019.

National Institute on Drug Abuse. “Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction.” January 2019. Accessed July 14, 2019.

National Institute on Drug Abuse. “Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition).” January 2018. Accessed July 14, 2019.
