Family Addiction Treatment Programs & Workshops in South Florida

Written by Camille Renzoni

& Medically Reviewed by Dr. Kevin Wandler, MD

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Last updated: 08/06/2021

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Last Updated - 08/06/2021

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If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, help is available. Speak with a Recovery Advocate by calling 888-648-0738 now.

Find family programs and workshops for addiction recovery at The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health.

Addiction can significantly damage familial and friend relationships. The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health understands that healing from addiction may involve a person’s family, so we provide counseling support to clients and their families during treatment. Repairing fractured relationships takes time and energy, but with guidance from an experienced team, the process can be a fruitful and meaningful experience.

Participate in Loved One’s Rehab

Recovery can be difficult work for both a person in treatment and their loved ones, as the people involved navigate complicated emotions. Learning about what someone goes through to pursue recovery during treatment may facilitate understanding and compassion among family members. Participation in a loved one’s rehab can allow family members and recovering people to establish a framework for talking to each other about addiction, rehab and life in recovery.

There are various ways for people to participate in their loved one’s rehab, depending on the treatment facility’s offerings. Rehab centers may offer family counseling sessions and family weekend days where people can see what rehab is like for their loved one and participate in therapeutic sessions guided by a counselor.

When family members visit their loved one’s treatment center, they may have the opportunity to meet clinicians, participate in group therapy and private family therapy sessions.

Meet Clinicians

When someone enrolls in rehab, their clinical team is integral to their success in recovery. A person’s clinical team may include doctors and physicians who create personalized treatment plans as well as nurses and technicians who offer 24-hour care.

Family members who meet rehab clinicians can:

  • Understand the roles of various treatment team members
  • Discuss the formation of treatment plans
  • Gain insight into how the team provides accountability
  • Observe how the clinical team models healthy boundaries

Participate in Group Sessions

Group therapy sessions provide a safe environment for people in recovery to express their thoughts, feelings, struggles and triumphs among their peers. These meetings facilitate healing for people in recovery, and group therapy sessions can be eye-opening for family members.

In the group therapy setting, people in treatment and members of their support network can:

  • Express feelings in a supportive environment
  • Hear from other family members about their experience
  • Encourage a person with an addiction to stay strong in sobriety

Private Counseling Sessions

Many rehab facilities offer private family therapy sessions. Guided by a mental health counselor, family therapy helps people and their loved ones:

  • Access safe, confidential and one-on-one therapy
  • Express sentiments of hurt, betrayal, hope and healing in a healthy way
  • Process feelings about drug or alcohol addiction and recovery
  • Get education and professional insight on the recovery process

Support Groups

Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous may be available through a treatment center, and clients usually participate in 12-step support groups as part of their rehab experience.

These groups can be helpful for both a client and their family members as support groups facilitate:

  • The camaraderie with others who can relate to addiction and recovery
  • The processing of feelings about the impact of treatment
  • The modeling of productive relationships

Expectations in Aftercare

When a person’s treatment is complete, their aftercare plan begins. An aftercare plan is a thorough, detailed plan of maintenance medications (if necessary), follow-up appointments with physicians and counselors, recommendations for local support groups and more.

Family members can play active roles in a person’s aftercare plan, and it’s integral for family members to understand a person’s expectations, responsibilities and new skills as they work through their aftercare plan.

Family and friends can help someone who’s new to recovery stick with their aftercare plan by:

  • Reminding them about necessary appointments
  • Helping them remember to take medications (if applicable)
  • Offering to drive them to support group meetings
  • Maintaining a home environment that’s conducive to recovery (e.g., refraining from alcohol use in the home)
  • Offering daily encouragement and reassurance

The staff at The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health encourages each client to involve family as actively and as thoroughly as possible during treatment. The support of family and friends can be essential as a person strives to meet their sobriety goals.

Are you or a loved one struggling with addiction?

Our Recovery Advocates are available 24/7 to help.

Reconnect With Loved Ones

Drug and alcohol addiction can put family members at odds with one another and cause deep rifts among loved ones. That’s why family therapy and attending family counseling is so important during rehab and can help people repair their relationships while healing from addiction.

If you have experienced fractured relationships as part of the consequences of addiction, The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health can help you reconnect with your loved ones. We can help re-establish the bonds that may have ruptured and provide you and your family with the healing you need.

To learn more about family programs, or to get addiction treatment for yourself or a loved one, call The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health today. Our caring representatives can answer your questions, offer support and guide you to a program that could work for you. The call is free and confidential, and you don’t have to commit to a program to learn more about treatment.
