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Best Drug & Alcohol Treatment Programs near Lauderdale Lakes, FL

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, help is available. Speak with a Recovery Advocate by calling 888-648-0738 now.

Substance Abuse Resources in Lauderdale Lakes, Florida

Substance abuse is a pressing issue across the United States, and Lauderdale Lakes, FL, is no exception. In Florida alone, more than 410,000 people aged 12 and over were reported to be dependent on or abusing illicit drugs, according to a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) report. This statistic underlines the urgency and need for comprehensive treatment resources in communities like Lauderdale Lakes. Substance abuse, whether of alcohol, prescription drugs, or illegal narcotics, not only impacts individual health but also has far-reaching social and economic consequences. Therefore, an array of treatment services ranging from detox centers, inpatient and outpatient programs, counseling, and support groups are available to aid individuals in seeking help and overcoming their dependency.

About Lauderdale Lakes, Florida

Lauderdale Lakes, colloquially known as “The Heart of Broward County,” is an urban city situated in central Broward County, Florida. Established during the Florida housing boom in 1961, Lauderdale Lakes has grown to be a vibrant city with a strong sense of community. This small yet bustling area is known for its warm tropical climate, beautiful nature parks, and diverse cultural tapestry.

Home to roughly 35,000 people per the most recent census data, Lauderdale Lakes, projects a distinct, vibrant, and friendly vibe despite its relatively small size. Its unique multicultural background, largely influenced by the Caribbean’s diverse community, adds to the city’s charm and allure, reflected in its food, music, and local events.

However, like many communities in Florida and across the nation, Lauderdale Lakes faces pressing health challenges, particularly in terms of substance abuse and addiction. This issue cuts across all demographics within the community. Here, alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use pose substantial public health risks, causing an influx in medical emergencies, increasing crime rates, and negatively impacting residents’ overall quality of life.

Addressing this rampant problem requires collaborative efforts from community leaders, public health professionals, educators, parents, and young people themselves. It is imperative for all residents to understand the seriousness of substance abuse and how prevention and appropriate treatment can help the individuals affected and protect the community at large.

Our nearest treatment facility for Lauderdale Lakes, FL, residents is The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health Drug and Alcohol Rehab. Located close by at 4905 Lantana Rd, Lake Worth, FL 33463, our center is accessible and convenient for those in Lauderdale Lakes, FL, who are seeking help for substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders.

Contact Information:

Address: 4905 Lantana Rd, Lake Worth, FL 33463

Contact Number: (561) 340-7269

Website: floridarehab.com

Overview of Rehab Programs for Treating Substance Abuse near Lauderdale Lakes, FL

Substance abuse can be a crippling cycle, but with the right help, beating addiction can be a reality. In the Lauderdale Lakes area, The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health Drug and Alcohol Rehab stands as a beacon of hope, offering comprehensive treatment options.

As one of the foremost rehab centers in Lauderdale Lakes, FL, our facility provides an array of programs designed to meet the specific needs of outpatients. Our tailored treatment plans cater to individuals battling alcohol or drug addiction from a wide range of substances. This approach ensures personal situations and levels of addiction are taken into account, optimizing recovery rates.

How Can The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health Drug and Alcohol Rehab Help?

Our facility offers a range of rehab programs, each tailored to the personal needs of the patient. Our programs include medical detox, inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab, and aftercare planning. We understand the importance of treating both addiction and any co-occurring mental health disorders, using evidence-based therapy modalities throughout the patient’s recovery journey.

Treatment Approaches at The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health Drug and Alcohol Rehab

From initial consultation to aftercare and beyond, we provide continuous support and resources to ensure each patient’s path to recovery is as smooth as possible. We utilize a combination of individual and group therapies, recreational activities, and lifestyle counseling as part of the holistic treatment process. Step by step, our professional and compassionate team is dedicated to helping patients build healthier, addiction-free lives.

Visit Our Facility Near Lauderdale Lakes, FL

The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health Drug and Alcohol Rehab is conveniently located at 4905 Lantana Rd, Lake Worth, FL 33463. Our responsive team is available 24/7 to assist prospective patients, their families, or referring professionals. You can reach out to us at (561) 340-7269 for any queries or to begin your recovery process.

Additional information is available on our website at https://www.floridarehab.com/. Here, you can learn more about our approach, our team, and how we can aid in overcoming addiction.

Common Co-Occurring Disorders in Lauderdale Lakes, FL

In Lauderdale Lakes, Florida, co-occurring disorders, also known as dual diagnosis, are quite prevalent. This refers to the simultaneous presence of a mental health disorder and substance use disorder in an individual.

One commonly seen co-occurring disorder in this region is the combination of alcoholism and Depression. People struggling with Depression often turn to alcohol as a form of self-medication, leading to a substance use disorder. Also, regular alcohol consumption can trigger depressive symptoms, creating a destructive cycle.

Anxiety disorders paired with drug abuse are another common co-occurring disorder in Lauderdale Lakes. Someone living with an anxiety disorder may use drugs in an attempt to alleviate their symptoms. Conversely, prolonged use of certain drugs can also result in heightened anxiety.

Bipolar disorder and drug addiction are another pair frequently reported. This connection could be explained by the fact that individuals with bipolar disorder often use drugs to aid in managing periods of high energy and intense mood swings.

Professional intervention is of utmost importance in managing these co-occurring disorders. Numerous treatment programs are available in Lauderdale Lakes, offering tailored therapies for these complex conditions. These programs prioritize a comprehensive approach, treating both the mental health and substance use elements of the disorder to promote healthier living.

If you or a loved one are struggling with co-occurring disorders, seek help from a trusted medical professional. There are numerous resources available, including local treatment centers, support groups, and helplines that can provide guidance and support.

Recovery Resources in Lauderdale Lakes, FL

Here is a comprehensive list of recovery resources available to you in Lauderdale Lakes, FL. These resources include state, local, and government support, as well as a nearby facility – The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health, focused on assisting with drug and alcohol rehab.

State and Government Resources:

Local Resources:

The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health Drug and Alcohol Rehab:

The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health is dedicated to offering comprehensive addiction treatment and mental health services. Our nearest facility, located in Lake Worth, FL, offers a variety of treatment options to meet each individual’s needs.

  • Address: 4905 Lantana Rd, Lake Worth, FL 33463
  • Contact Number: (561) 340-7269
  • Visit Our Website

Substance Abuse in Lauderdale Lakes, FL

Substance abuse is a significant societal issue that affects various communities, including Lauderdale Lakes, Florida. The typical substances of abuse in Lauderdale Lakes, and by extension, the larger Florida state, include opioids, alcohol, and methamphetamines.


Opioids, specifically prescription painkillers, and heroin, are a significant concern, given the ongoing opioid epidemic. According to a report by the Florida Department of Health, there was a 37% increase in opioid-related deaths in Florida in 2019 compared to 2015. In Broward County, where Lauderdale Lakes is located, opioid overdose deaths increased significantly during the same period.


Alcohol abuse is another common problem in Lauderdale Lakes and the greater Florida state. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) reports that in 2019, 22.1% of adults in Florida reported binge drinking within the past month, slightly above the national average of 21%.


Methamphetamine use has been on the rise in Florida, including Lauderdale Lakes. According to a 2019 report by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, methamphetamine-related deaths increased statewide by 42% from 2018 to 2019. Though this problem is more pronounced in northern Florida, Broward County has not been immune to this trend. Lastly, it’s essential to note that substance misuse often leads to an increase in criminal behavior, health problems, decreased productivity, and complicated interpersonal relationships. Lauderdale Lakes, like many communities, offers resources intended for prevention, support, and recovery to those struggling with substance abuse. Remember, help is available, and recovery is possible.

Warning Signs of Substance Abuse

Recognizing the warning signs of substance abuse is crucial for effectively addressing the issue and seeking help. Generally, these signs can manifest through changes in behavior, health, or lifestyle. Individuals in Lauderdale Lakes, FL, should be vigilant and proactive in noting the following indicators:

  • Behavioral changes: This may include an increased engagement in secretive behaviors, neglecting responsibilities, and changes in social circles.
  • Physical health issues: Frequent illnesses, sudden weight fluctuations, changes in sleeping patterns, and deteriorating physical appearance may point toward substance abuse.
  • Mental health changes: Changes in mood, increased anxiety, or episodes of unexplained paranoia or irrational behavior can indicate the presence of substance abuse.

If you, or someone you know, are displaying these signs, it’s important to seek help immediately. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers a confidential and anonymous resource to find treatment facilities, care providers, and support groups in Lauderdale Lakes, FL. Remember, it’s never too late to seek help or intervention for substance abuse.

Are you or a loved one struggling with addiction?

Our Recovery Advocates are available 24/7 to help.

Alcohol Addiction Treatments in Lauderdale Lakes, FL

Alcohol addiction is a serious and complex issue that affects numerous individuals and families. Getting help is the first important step in the journey to recovery. In Lauderdale Lakes, FL, there are a variety of treatment options available for alcohol addiction, including our closest rehab facility, The Recovery Village Palm Beach, at Baptist Health Drug and Alcohol Rehab.

The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Located at 4905 Lantana Rd, Lake Worth, FL 33463, The Recovery Village is dedicated to helping individuals overcome their addiction through an individualized, comprehensive approach. The experienced staff and health professionals provide a variety of treatment options tailored to the unique needs of each patient. You can contact us directly at (561) 340-7269 for more information.

Types of Alcohol Addiction Treatments Available

  • Counseling and Therapy: This can include cognitive-behavioral therapy, motivational enhancement therapy, or family therapy, which helps people to change their drinking behavior through counseling.
  • Medication: Certain medications may be prescribed by healthcare professionals to help reduce the urge to drink and establish normal brain functions.
  • Detoxification: This is typically the first step in many alcohol treatment programs, where the body is given time to remove the alcohol from its system while managing withdrawal symptoms.
  • Support Groups: Groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) offer peer support for people abstaining from alcohol, which is vital for many on the road to recovery.

Getting Help

Choosing to get help is a big step, yet it is the most important one on the road to recovery. Local Lauderdale Lakes, FL, options, like The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health Drug and Alcohol Rehab, provide an array of treatment programs for individuals struggling with alcohol addiction. For more information or to discuss treatment options, please call (561) 340-7269.

The Opioid Epidemic in Lauderdale Lakes, FL

Like many cities across the United States, Lauderdale Lakes, Florida, has experienced the devastating effects of the opioid epidemic. The influx of prescription opioids, heroin, and synthetic substances like fentanyl has significantly increased the rates of addiction, overdoses, and deaths.

Statistics of the Crisis

Florida’s Department of Children and Families unveiled a harsh truth in their reports – from 2016 to 2017 alone, opioid-related deaths increased by around 35%. The rate of fatal opioid overdoses in Broward County, where Lauderdale Lakes is situated, exceeds the state average.

Government Response to the Crisis

In response to the crisis, the Florida state government has taken significant action. The passing of the HB 21 law enforces a three-day limit on prescribed opioids, with strict exceptions, reducing the chances of developing a dependency. Furthermore, the government has funneled funds toward treatment and prevention initiatives.

Addiction Treatment Options in Lauderdale Lakes, FL

Combating the opioid epidemic involves providing effective treatment options for those who suffer from addiction. In Lauderdale Lakes and surrounding areas, various options are available:

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Many facilities involve MAT – a comprehensive approach that includes FDA-approved medications (like buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone), counseling, and behavioral therapies, designed to treat opioid addiction holistically.

Behavioral Therapies

Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help modify the patient’s drug use expectations and behaviors and effectively manage triggers and stress. Moreover, contingency management uses a voucher-based system to encourage sobriety.

Support Programs

Support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) are instrumental in empowering an individual in recovery by offering a community of peer support.

If you or your loved ones are struggling with an opioid-related addiction, seek help imminently. Lauderdale Lakes has numerous resources that can provide the support needed to regain control over life.

Available Resources

  • The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) – A confidential free helpline for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations.
  • The Florida Department of Children and Families (FDCF) – Responsible for substance abuse prevention and treatment services, the FDCF can guide towards relevant resources and programs.

Discovering the Road to Lasting Recovery

Indeed, the journey to recovery can be challenging. But, in every challenge, there’s a possibility of transformation and growth. We hold steadfast to the belief that hope is the cornerstone of recovery. Here in Lauderdale Lakes, Florida, we are committed to fostering that hope and catalyzing the change for anyone battling substance use disorders or mental health issues.

You are not alone in this fight. Our facility is located close to you at 4905 Lantana Rd, Lake Worth, FL 33463. Our dedicated team of Recovery Advocates is always ready to help you navigate toward the path of recovery. Your journey is unique, and we are here to guide you every step of the way.

Make the Call, Begin Your Journey

Initiating that first step can often be the hardest. We urge you to reach out and make that call at ((561) 340-7269). Let us help you start this journey of transformation and healing. Our Recovery Advocates are ready and waiting to walk alongside you. Speak to someone who understands, someone who can help you find lasting recovery.

Visit Our Website For More Information

Find out more about our approach, treatments, facilities, and more at our website. Visit us online at www.floridarehab.com, explore our services, read about others’ experiences, and start visualizing your own journey toward recovery. Remember, lasting recovery isn’t just a destination, it’s a journey, and every journey begins with a single step.

Believe in the hope of a better tomorrow. Start your path to lasting recovery with us today.

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