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What Happens If You Mix Cocaine and Weed?

Written by Rob Alston

& Medically Reviewed by Dr. Candace Crowley, PhD

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Last Updated - 06/17/2022

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Updated 06/17/2022

Although cocaine and weed are commonly mixed, the use of both substances can lead to severe side effects and addiction. Learn about the consequences of mixing cocaine and weed.

Cocaine and marijuana are two of the most widely used recreational drugs. Some people choose to use both substances together by smoking cocaine and marijuana together or smoking weed before or after snorting cocaine. Although mixing cocaine and weed is common, the use of both substances causes severe side effects and increases the risk of addiction. Thus, it is vital to understand the risks of mixing cocaine and weed.

See Related: Can you smoke cocaine?

Effects of Mixing Cocaine and Weed

There are many reasons why an individual may use cocaine and weed together. Cocaine and weed effects can be similar or contradictory, depending on the individual. Cocaine, a stimulant, causes increased energy, elevated mood, and euphoric feelings. Weed frequently acts as a depressant, producing feelings of relaxation, calmness and decreased anxiety. However, marijuana may produce stimulating effects in some people, leading to heightened mood and increased anxiety.

Some people may use cocaine and weed together to produce amplified euphoric feelings, while others believe that the depressive effects of weed will offset the stimulating properties of cocaine. Some people also use weed to reduce cravings or to ease withdrawal symptoms when recovering from a cocaine-induced high.

Dangers of Mixing Cocaine and Weed

Mixing stimulants and depressants, such as cocaine and weed, can be dangerous. The combination of cocaine and marijuana increases the likelihood of each drug’s negative side effects. Cocaine side effects include cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythm, heart attack, and stroke. Marijuana side effects also include increased blood pressure and abnormal heart rhythms. Thus, using both cocaine and weed increases the risk of severe cardiovascular problems.

The use of both substances also modifies how the body responds to each drug. Cocaine causes blood vessel constriction, while marijuana causes blood vessel dilation. When used together, marijuana blocks cocaine-induced blood vessel constriction, allowing for more rapid cocaine absorption into the body. This mechanism results in a faster and prolonged high while increasing the risk of severe side effects and cocaine overdose.

Related Topic: Cocaine Overdose

Individually, cocaine and weed can cause anxiety. When used together, the risk of severe anxiety and paranoia is increased, particularly in those with underlying panic or anxiety disorders.

Polysubstance Addiction

Polysubstance addiction is a term that describes addiction to more than one drug at the same time. Polysubstance addiction can be dangerous and more challenging to treat than addiction to a single drug. Studies demonstrate that individuals who use weed report a higher rate of cocaine use than those that do not use weed, increasing the risk of polysubstance addiction. Weed can counteract cocaine’s stimulant effects, contributing to the repeated use of cocaine or the use of cocaine in higher quantities. This interaction contributes to the development of drug tolerance, where higher drug quantities are needed to produce the same physical effects. Over time, the use of cocaine and weed together increases the risk of dependence or addiction to one or both drugs.

Polysubstance Overdose

Some people may wonder, what is a polysubstance overdose? A polysubstance overdose occurs when an individual exhibits overdose symptoms while using more than one substance. Treatment is challenging, as medical professionals have difficulty identifying which substance is responsible for the overdose and determining the necessary medical interventions. The combined physical effects of cocaine and weed, as well as tolerance to one or both drugs, increases the chance of polysubstance overdose.

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Treating Polysubstance Abuse

Polysubstance abuse treatment is more complicated than treatment for abuse of a single drug and requires a comprehensive therapeutic plan. For some individuals, drug withdrawal periods may be more difficult, as detoxification from multiple substances takes a significant physical toll.

Both cocaine and marijuana addiction treatment includes medical detox, residential or outpatient rehab, psychotherapy, support groups, and aftercare programs. Individuals who abuse both cocaine and weed require a program personalized to recovery from both cocaine and marijuana addiction. Professional addiction programs are ideal for cocaine and marijuana addiction recovery, as trained medical staff monitor withdrawal symptoms and develop a personalized recovery strategy.

If you’re struggling with addiction to cocaine and marijuana, the proper resources can help you. Contact The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health to speak with a team member who can help you explore cocaine and marijuana addiction treatment programs. You deserve a healthier future; call today.

View Sources

Gonçalves, Janaina; Nappo, Solange. “Factors that lead to the use of crack cocaine in combination with marijuana in Brazil: a qualitative study.” BMC Public Health, July 25, 2015. Accessed October 1, 2019.

Mukherjee, Debabrata. “Cardiovascular Effects of Cocaine.” American College of Cardiology, June 27, 2017. Accessed October 1, 2019.

Kattoor, Ajoe; Mehta, Jawahar. “Marijuana and Coronary Heart Disease.” American College of Cardiology, September 22, 2016. Accessed October 1, 2019.

Tzilos, Golfo; Reddy, Madhavi; Caviness, Celeste; et al. “Getting higher: co-occurring drug use among marijuana-using emerging adults.” Journal of Addictive Diseases, July 1, 2015. Accessed October 1, 2019.
